Verb-irregularities, rule V (f/t)
Rule V: f/t-insertion
| V. | Abbreviation: | f/t-insertion |
| | Description: | f/t-insertion for strong verbs whose verb primitive ends on "f" or "t" (double "f", respectively double "t") |
| | Example verb: | 8. | greifen |
| | Application: | - | only valid for strong verbs |
| | | - | the verb primitive ends on "f" or "t" |
| | | - | the verbs basis is "ei" or "au" (e.g. "greifen" or "saufen") |
| | | - | the rule only applies if the Präteritum is not built with "ie" (e.g. not valid for "laufen", as this becomes "lief" and not "lieff") |
| | | - | the Indikativ Präteritum, Konjunktiv II (Präteritum) as well as Partizip II forms receive an additional "f", respectively "t" |
| | Applies for (weak verbs): |
| | | Präsens: | - |
| | | Präteritum: | - |
| | | Konj II (Prät): | - |
| | | Imperativ: | - |
| | | Partizip: | - |
| | Applies for (strong verbs): |
| | | Präsens: | - |
| | | Präteritum: | all forms |
| | | Konj II (Prät): | all forms |
| | | Imperativ: | - |
| | | Partizip: | always |
| | Example: |
| | | Präteritum: | "du griffst", not "du grifst" |
also see:
Overview - verb-irregularities