Verbtime - Time for Verbs

Verbtime - Maintenance

The Verb Training is available again soon

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Import verbs from local Verbtime installation

With help of this page you can import verbs from your Verbtime PC installation for the web-based training.
For this purpose load the Verbtime verbs file (normally "C:\program files\verbtime\verbtime 2.5\verbtime_verbs.ini").
Afterwards choose the verbset you want to import and upload the verbs to the Verbtime webpage.

Note: The imported verbs are privat to you and are only available in your personal training.

from verbset:
To verbset:
Verbtime data:
Import status:
verbset 1:
verbset 2:
verbset 3:
verbset 4:
verbset 5:
# German Dutch English French Italian Portuguese Spanish Latin

Copyright © Helmut Bischoff 2005-2024. All rights reserved
Copyright H.Bischoff 2005-2024. All rights reserved