Usage of ß and ss in Switzerland
Usage of "ß" and "ss" in Switzerland
The "ß" is not used when conjugating Swiss-German verbs.
Verbtime offers an option that prevents the automatic translation of "ss" to "ß" for strong verbs. If this option is deactivated (default), then in Indikativ Präteritum and Konjunktiv II (Präteritum) the "ss" is turned into "ß" - this handling is compliant with the German (Germany) conjugation rules. If this option however is activated, then the "ss" will be kept - this handling is compliant with the German (Switzerland) conjugation rules.
Note: Verbs that are indicated with "ß" are not affected by this option (the option only prevents "ss" to be turned into "ß" but does not influence "ß"-verbs themselves)!
- the verb "essen":
The verb "essen" becomes "ich aß" in the Indikativ Präteritum, following German (Germany) rules. In order to train the verb following German (Germany) conjugation rules, leave the option deactivated. The "ss" is turned into "ß".
In order to train the verb following German (Switzerland) conjugation rules, activate the option. The verb by that is conjugated as "ich ass" etc.
- the Verb "abreißen / abreissen":
German (Germany): abreißen
German (Switzerland): abreissen
- If the verb shall be trained as "abreißen" (Germany), then this option does not have any effect, as Verbtime recognises the "ß" in the verb and applies German (Germany) conjugation rules (same as deactivated option).
- If the verb shall be trained as "abreissen" (Switzerland), then it must be avoided that Verbtime turns the "ss" into "ß". This can be achieved with activated option.
=> abreissen, "ich riss ab", "du rissest ab" etc.
For further notes regarding this topic, please see Verbtimes program help.