Verbtime uses the rules listed here to build reflexive verbs.
Simple tenses:
Singular I me + [verb]
Singular II te + [verb]
Singular III se + [verb]
Plural I nos + [verb]
Plural II os + [verb]
Plural III se + [verb]
Simple tenses are built by combining the self pronoun with the conjugated verb.
Example: Indicativo, Presente, singular I of "lavarse" = me lavo
Composed tenses:
Singular I me + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)
Singular II te + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)
Singular III se + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)
Plural I nos + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)
Plural II os + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)
Plural III se + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)
Composed tenses are built by combining the self pronoun with the conjugated form of the auxiliary verb "haber" and the Participio Passato of the verb.
Example: Indicativo, Pretérito Perfecto, singular I of "lavarse" = me he lavado
Valid for the Imperativo:
Basically the following scheme applies:
Singular I -
Singular II verb + te
Singular III verb + se
Plural I verb + nos
Plural II verb + os
Plural III verb + se
In addition the following applies to the Imperativo- and Gerundio-forms:
The following table shows the default extensions (without accentuation) of the reflexive Imperative as well as some accentuation-examples.
Verb group: AR ER IR
Singular I -
Singular II te: ate ete ete
Singular III se: ese ase ase
Plural I nos: emonos amonos amonos
Plural II os: aos eos ios
Plural III se: ense anse anse
Gerundio: ose ose ose
Example 1: Singular III of lavarse
Accordingly the Gerundio is built as "lavándose"
Example 2: Plural I of lavarse
Example 3: Plural II of sentirse
also see:
Spanish verb table, overview
Reflexive verb building, example verb