Reflexive verb building, rules

Reflexive verbs

Verbtime uses the rules listed here to build reflexive verbs.

  1. Reflexive verbs are always built with haber!
  2. Verbtime recognises reflexive verbs from the syntax: verb + se, e.g. lavarse
  3. Generally spoken the following building scheme is valid for all reflexive verbs:

    Simple tenses:

            Singular I     me  + [verb]
            Singular II    te  + [verb]
            Singular III   se  + [verb]
            Plural I       nos + [verb]
            Plural II      os  + [verb]
            Plural III     se  + [verb]

    Simple tenses are built by combining the self pronoun with the conjugated verb.

    Example: Indicativo, Presente, singular I of "lavarse" = me lavo

    Composed tenses:

            Singular I     me  + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)
            Singular II    te  + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)
            Singular III   se  + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)
            Plural I       nos + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)
            Plural II      os  + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)
            Plural III     se  + [haber] + Participio Pasado (verb)

    Composed tenses are built by combining the self pronoun with the conjugated form of the auxiliary verb "haber" and the Participio Passato of the verb.

    Example: Indicativo, Pretérito Perfecto, singular I of "lavarse" = me he lavado

    Valid for the Imperativo:

    Basically the following scheme applies:

            Singular I     -
            Singular II    verb + te
            Singular III   verb + se
            Plural I       verb + nos
            Plural II      verb + os 
            Plural III     verb + se

    In addition the following applies to the Imperativo- and Gerundio-forms:

    • In Plural II the verb-primitive’s final "s" is deleted before "nos" will be appended (means "lavémonos", not "lavémosnos").
    • In Plural III the verb-primitive’s final "d" is deleted before "os" will be appended (means "lavaos", not "lavados").
    • Almost all forms need to accentuate a verb’s vocal:
      • In Gerundio as well as the Singular I, II, III and Plural III-forms of the Imperativo this is the last vocal of the verb-primitive.
      • In the Plural I-forms this is the "e", respectively the "a" of the reflexive verb extension "emonos", respectively "amonos" (i.e. "émonos" or "ámonos").
      • In the Plural II-forms the AR- and ER-verbs are not accentuated. The IR-verbs however accentuate the "i" of the reflexive verb extension "ios" (i.e. "íos").

    The following table shows the default extensions (without accentuation) of the reflexive Imperative as well as some accentuation-examples.

            Verb group:           AR        ER        IR
            Singular I     -
            Singular II    te:    ate       ete       ete
            Singular III   se:    ese       ase       ase
            Plural I       nos:   emonos    amonos    amonos
            Plural II      os:    aos       eos       ios
            Plural III     se:    ense      anse      anse
            Gerundio:             ose       ose       ose

    Example 1: Singular III of lavarse

    1. Build the verb-primitive = lav (arse)
    2. Search the verb-primitive’s last vocal = a
    3. This vocal is accentuated = á
    4. Add the reflexive extension (ese) = lávese

    Accordingly the Gerundio is built as "lavándose"

    Example 2: Plural I of lavarse

    1. Build the verb-primitive = lav (arse)
    2. In Plural I "emonos" is accentuated = émonos
    3. Add the reflexive extension (émonos) = lavémonos

    Example 3: Plural II of sentirse

    1. Build the verb-primitive = sent (irse)
    2. In Plural II "ios" is accentuated = íos
    3. Add the reflexive extension (íos) = sentíos

also see:
Spanish verb table, overview
Reflexive verb building, example verb

Copyright © Helmut Bischoff 2005-2024. All rights reserved
Copyright H.Bischoff 2005-2024. All rights reserved